Pamir Hydroelectric Power, Tajikistan

Type: Sustainable Infrastructure | Renewable Energy
Region: Asia
Standard: VCS

In this region of Tajikistan, civil war left 220,000 people in energy poverty. Diesel generators used to power community infrastructure frequently failed in winter, forcing schools, clinics and small businesses to close. 

The environment also suffered as people used their forests for wood for cooking and heating, destroying almost two-thirds of the local forest cover. In addition, smoke exposure from cooking on open fires and rudimentary stoves damages health, with women and children most affected. This two-turbine 14MW hydroelectric power project generates around 94,000MWh of clean, reliable energy every year. 

This project is protecting local forests, cutting carbon emissions and re-invigorating the local economy. Carbon finance is used to maintain and operate the plant, to keep the electricity affordable and made it possible for the plant to be built in the first place, as the additional predicted revenue was a key component of the project being commercially viable.

Hydropower is the main source of energy in Tajikistan, followed by imported oil, gas and coal. | IEA

In the past we worked only with our hands as carpenters and we could fulfil one order per day. Today we have electric woodworking machines and we can fill three to four orders in the carpentry shop.
Gadomamad's Story

In addition to delivering emissions reductions to take climate action (SDG 13), the project delivers additional benefits. The SDG contributions have been indicatively measured, but need to be confirmed:

  • Good Health and Well-being: Health clinics now operate around the clock on a reliable electricity source. Air quality in the home is improved through reduced burning of biomass indoors.
  • Quality Education: Schools can now remain open in winter due to the reliable power source for heating. Computers improve learning outcomes in classes.
  • Affordable and Clean Energy: 220,000 people have affordable and clean energy after 15 years of unreliable power supply.
  • Decent Work and Economic Growth: Over 820 jobs have been created at the plant and reliable electricity has increased economic activity throughout the region.

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600+ projects have been supported by Climate Impact Partners

100+ million tonnes of emissions reduced through carbon finance

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